Old Vandals MPs on University of Ghana over Commonwealth Hall


Old Vandals Members of Parliament held a bi-partisan press conference in Accra at the Parliament House which they condemned authorities of the University of Ghana for seeking to destroy the spirit, culture and tradition of the Commonwealth Hall.

Speaking on behalf of the Old Vandals Association, Alumni of Commonwealth Hall caucus in Parlin, Dr. Clement Apaak indicated that the approach used by the University of Ghana in dealing with this issue currently would rather affect several other innocent students. 

He indicated that, there are more amicable way in dealing with this issues through engagement as well as through the rule of Law.

He further bemoaned the total disregard by the University of Ghana management for the Courts and rather urged the comply to the Courts and if there are issues, the use the laid down procedures. 

He also cautioned the Students to remain calm while these issues are resolved.

He finally drew the attention of the Police to be circumspect in handing some of these sensitive issues without undermining the rights and freedom of the students.

“We are cautioning the police to be very circumspect in what they do about the impasse between Commonwealth Hall and the university. We believe and hope that the impasse can be resolved amicably, but in the meantime, we expect the university to respect the rules of the land.”

Meanwhile, some members of Parliament also shared that, the students who were manhandled will thoroughly be investigated.
