Truth about the Commonwealth Hall Controversy - Level 100 perspective


This article drew the attention of many in the University of Ghana and on social media. An article which pokes the plain issues faced by Commonwealth Hall with the University of Ghana and the latter unwary of the consequences of their actions.

The article highlighted the resent issues where 17 students were arrested on campus allegedly matched to Commonwealth Hall on Valantines day 14 February 2023 as a sign of heeding to the High Court Order to allow continuing students to stay in the Hall. 

Whether or not the students' understood the Interlocutory Injunction and its enforcement processes, these students were not a threat to peace to visit the entrance of the Hall to affirm the order having secured this on 9th February 2023. Whether or not the University at the time filed a stay of execution immediately, or appeal of their case nothing was communicated to the students or recorded in any of the media. 

A lot of lingering questions sprouted. Whether or not the Police alleged students attacked them with broken bottles, spears, weapons, among others contrary to the videos that went viral video which showed Police Brutality. 

What was published by some of the media houses was contrary to the video evidence that went viral. These videos gave clearer perspective of the evident that happened on the 14th February 2023. 

In addition, this article also unveiled the same forceful approach by some officials of the University of Ghana to get Level 100s to petition against their colleagues continuing students citing them as "persona non grata" in Commonwealth Hall, which simply means, they must not enter their Hall which also drew the attention of many over a similar petition by some officials of the University of Ghana soliciting signatures of lectures and fellows over a petition to hault the Commonwealth Hall Annex project.  Some of the students from sources did not know what the petition were for. Others were told management of the Hall needed such list. Whether or not the petition was meant to be tendered in as evidence by the University of Ghana to affirm their case why level 100s will be affected by this injuctions rather shoots their foot against their purported compliance to the Exparte Injunction, as well as Interlocutory Injunction.  Which means, as at the time of implementation, the Commonwealth Hall level 100s just commenced registration into the Hall. It was expected that over 500 plus may have been granted access to the Hall as leval 100 student. Currently, sources close to the Hall shows there are more spaces yet to be allocated to students. Whether or not the compliance by the University over this Injunction to allow the Students back into their Hall will be evident in the coming days. 

This article captured the brief essence what an innocent level 100 students was wrongfully arrested on his way back to the Hall, without any legal representation, the Police hesitantly moved them to an unknown station and denied them legal representation on the day of arrest. 

The writer fear of being victimized by the Officials of the University of Ghana for sharing their ideas, a classical example of a Dean of Student calling for a removal of a student leader after voicing out the grievances of students. Anonymous!

Below is the article.
